On Demand RSC

Schedule an On Demand RSC | Learn more about RSC Group


What is On Demand RSC?


In addition to small group settings, individual RSC is also available to Solano Child Welfare staff through On Demand RSC. On Demand RSC is available during the workday and at no cost to you. It is a reflective and confidential space between you and an outside Reflective Consultant that allows you to slow down and navigate the thoughts, feelings, and interactions experienced within your professional role.

*On Demand RSC sessions are short-term/ limited


How do I Request an On Demand RSC?

Follow the link to complete a Request to Schedule Reflective Supervision/ Consultation (RSC). Our team will contact you within 2 business days with available appointments. Watch the video below to learn more.


Source: Alyssa Najera Consulting. 2022. Strategies to Promote Reflective Practice in Child Welfare, Lesson Participating in On Demand RSC [digital course]. Available from courses.alyssanajera.com

Resources Mentioned in Video 

Schedule On Demand RSC

Download On Demand RSC Flyer

Download Preparing for your RSC Session

When should I schedule an On Demand RSC?

An individual RSC session can be used in between group sessions or as a standalone resource. If you are participating in group, it can also be used to help address topics that may be inappropriate or uncomfortable to discuss in your small group.

Topics that may lead you to schedule may include the following:


  • trauma responses
  • navigating biases
  • feeling distracted by a case, family, or child
  • work stress/stress management
  • grief
  • conflict with peer/supervisor
  • navigating burnout
  • adjusting to a new role or promotion